Butler Group talks Lotus Connections

IBM Lotus ConnectionsButler Group have published an in-depth report on IBM Lotus Connections. One important thing to note is that the report was based on Connections 2.0.1 so some of the comments are not up-to-date – for example, the lack of a wiki capability is cited as a weakness. With Connections 2.5 (shipping end of this week) that weakness is removed, and I’ll stand by my previous post and again say that the new version puts us even further ahead of the competition.

The report says good things about the activity-centric approach to collaboration and task management:

Unlike other offerings on the market, such as Microsoft SharePoint, Lotus Connections’ task management capabilities are organised around an activity-centric approach…

..and also states that Connections scores top marks for integration with Microsoft technology. The overall conclusion is that IBM Lotus is in the leadership position for enterprise-grade social collaboration:

Lotus Connections compares very favourable [sic] to other offerings on the market. IBM’s closest competitor, Microsoft, has its SharePoint-based offering, but this does not yet offer the features and level of integration displayed by Lotus Connections.

Lotus Connections puts IBM in a strong position in this increasingly important market.

All quotes are taken from Butler Group’s technology audit Lotus Connections version 2.0.1. The copyright of the report remains with Butler Group.


  1. If it is an exact quote, then the author used “favourable” instead of “favourably” and and “it’s” instead of “its”.

    Two sentences, two mistakes. Hopefully the author kept his day job.

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