The view outside the Plaza hotel - a rather large monument-type thing on a roundabout. Also known as the 'Placa Espanya'.
Further up the road, the 'Palau Nacional' and 'Museu d'Art de Catalunya'. And I can tell you, there's a few steps to be climbed... get these pictures. This one shows part of the roof of the 'Palau Alfonso XIII'. I thought it made a good picture.
And this one is the fantastic view from the top of the steps. You can see the Placa Espanya in the centre between the two towers.
Right, enough of the cultural shots - here's Tony, Chris and Phil boozing it up at a party.
And to continue the theme, here's Simon, Lina and Tony (again) boozing it up at a party.
Same party, different boozers. This time it's Calum (who looks like someone's nicked his neck) and James.
Still at the same party (which was outside and not particularly warm). Hannah is on the left, and Hannah is on the right.
At last, a picture of me (accompanied by Ed and Hannah). That's not my wine by the way, I was holding it for Hannah (who had the camera).
Ah, a different party. This one was indoors, and coincided with my 38th birthday. Pictured are Alison (left) and Gillian (right).
Kat in a typical pose (holding a glass of wine). She may look demure, but you should have seen her pushing into the queue for the buffet.
Me, sporting a very short hair cut (shorter than I had intended). The look on my face in some way signifies the realisation that I was 38 that day.
Grinning idiots James and Joel. There's going to be an extremely good morphed version of this one going round the office.
Jon Crouch, who for some reason has a folded-up napkin on his head. The girls were most impressed... probably.
Group shot - Hannah, Thommo, Ed, Spencer, me and Steve (in the background). Why didn't I take off my conference badge? What a plank.
Still the same party - Andy, Matt (who does a great Alan Partridge), Kemal and Ashwin. Glad to see some other people kept their badges on.
Ted (left), Lambie (right) and Kieran (centre). Kieran is crouching down - he may not be really tall, but he isn't that short.
Neil 'Simmo' Simmons and Rob 'Bert' Hayden, enjoying the sights of Barcelona. Oh look, a bench and some fountains.
Mike, Rob, Spencer (sorry, Stuart), Thommo, Dawn, Simmo and Jon - bored and waiting to board the coach for the airport.
Tony and his new shoes. I'll leave you to make up your own caption. Cali has already thought of one. Stu has some expensive hand luggage.