It's an unfortunate fact of life that there is a near-perfect correlation between something being really tasty and something being bad for you. Take Ben & Jerry's ice cream for example... okay, before I get sued I'm not claiming it is bad for you. I eat loads of vegetables to offset the effect of my favourite dessert. But if I did eat it at the rate I'd like to be able to (i.e. four tubs a day) I'd soon be the victim of the fat jokes (e.g. he has his own post code, he exerts his own gravitational pull causing donuts to take up a geo-stationary orbit around his waist, and so on).

Likewise, I don't think being addicted to Jelly Belly jelly beans is going to kill you as quick as smoking 40 ciggies or downing a bottle of Scotch every day, but you have to think of your teeth and your (jelly) belly. And your wallet...

They are an expensive addiction, especially in the UK where a small bag will cost an arm and a leg (and some teeth, but not a lung... and Thommo believes they were responsible for the loss of my gall bladder). Therefore if anyone goes over to the U S of A, I always give them my shopping list. And in case I forget to give them the list, here it is on the web so that they can refer to the 'official Dazza list'. Don't bother with any flavours not listed, thank you...

Kiwi Raspberry Red Apple
Tutti-Fruitti Grape Strawberry Cheesecake
Buttered Popcorn Strawberry Daquiri Sour Grape
Island Punch Sour Apple Peanut Butter
Canteloupe Bubble Gum Cherry Cola *
Caramel Apple Buttered Toast Chocolate Cherry Cake

A big thank you to the Jelly Belly Candy Company for deciding to turn Kiwi and Red Apple into official flavours. Now, if you could just ditch Licorice, Cappuccino and Root Beer as well. Sorry, Matt Newton likes the root beer beans (each to their own), and Ted Hollands is partial to margerita. And Woody Cocks used to grab handfuls of everyone else's but never bought any of his own.

* Cherry Cola has been available at Woolworths in Staines, but isn't listed on the Jelly Belly site.